X. Li, Y.-C. Chang, J.-Y. Chen, K.-W. Lin, R.D. Desautels, J. van Lierop, P.W.T. Pong, Annealing effect of NiO/Co90Fe10 thin films: From bilayer to nanocomposite, Phys. Lett. A, 382 (2018) 2886-2893.
X. Li, C. W. Leung, C. C. Chiu, K.-W. Lin, M. Chan, Y. Zhou, P. W. T. Pong, Exchange bias study of sub-100 nm-diameter CoFeB/IrMn antidot and nanodot arrays fabricated by nanosphere lithography, Phys. Lett. A., 381 (2017) 2709-2714.
X. Li, C. W. Leung, C.-C. Chiu, K.-W. Lin, M. Chan, Y. Zhou, Philip W. T. Pong, Reduced magnetic coercivity and switching field in NiFeCuMo/Ru/NiFeCuMo synthetic-ferrimagnetic nanodots, Appl. Surf. Sci., 410 (2017) 479-484.
X. Li, Y. Zhou, C. Zheng, P.H. Chan, M. Chan, P.W.T. Pong, Field-angle and DC-bias dependence of spin-torque diode in giant magnetoresistive microstripe, Appl. Phys. Lett., 109 (2016) 192402.
X. Li, C. Zheng, Y. Zhou, H. Kubota, S. Yuasa, P.W.T. Pong, Spin-torque diode with tunable sensitivity and bandwidth by out-of-plane magnetic field, Appl. Phys. Lett., 108 (2016) 232407.
X. Li, K.-W. Lin, W.-C. Yeh, R. D. Desautels, J. van Lierop, Philip W. T. Pong, Modulated exchange bias in NiFe/CoO/α-Fe2O3 trilayers and NiFe/CoO bilayers, Phys. Lett. A, 381 (2017) 524-528.
X. Li, Y. Zhou, T. Zeng, K.W. Lin, P.T. Lai, P.W.T. Pong, Motion and Switching of Dual-vortex Cores in Elliptical Permalloy Nanodisk Stimulated by a Gaussian Magnetic Field Pulse, IEEE Trans. Magn., 53 (2017) 4300106.
X. Li, Y. Zhou, P.W.T. Pong, Performance Optimization of Spin-Torque Microwave Detectors with Material and Operational Parameters, J. Nanotechnol., 2016 (2016) 11.
X. Li, K.W. Lin, H.T. Liang, P.L. Liu, W.C. Lo, D.L. Cortie, F. Klose, J. van Lierop, L. Li, P.W.T. Pong, The effects of post-deposition ion-beam bombardment with oxygen on the Co surface in modifying the magnetic properties of Co thin films, Microelectron. Eng., 152 (2016) 41-47.
X. Li, K.-W. Lin, H.-T. Liang, H.-F. Hsu, N.G. Galkin, Y. Wroczynskyj, J. van Lierop, P.W.T. Pong, The effects of interfacial interactions between Fe-O and Fe-Si induced by ion-beam bombardment on the magnetic properties of Si-oxide/Fe bilayers, Nucl. Instrum. Methods. Phys. Res. B, 365, Part A (2015) 196-201.
X. Li, K.-W. Lin, H.-Y. Liu, D.-H. Wei, GJ Li, P. W. T. Pong, Effect of field cooling process and ion-beam bombardment on the exchange bias of NiCo/(Ni,Co)O bilayers, Thin solid films, 570(2014): 383-389.