Chuang Yue, Yingjian Yu, Shibo Sun, Xu He, Binbin Chen, Wei Lin, Binbin Xu, Mingsen Zheng, Suntao W, Jing Li*, Junyong Kang, and Liwei Lin, High Performance 3D Si/Ge Nanorods Array Anode Buffered by TiN/Ti Interlayer for Sodium-Ion Batteries, Adv. Funct. Mater. 25 (2015) 1386-1392. (frontispiece) (the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61106118,61227009,91321102 and U1405253))
K. Huang, W. Pan, J. F. Zhu, J. C. Li, N. Gao, C. Liu, L. Ji, E. T. Yu, and J.Y. Kang, Asymmetric light reflectance from metal nanoparticle arrays on dielectric surfaces, Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 18331. | DOI: 10.1038/srep18331, the project of NNSFC U1405253, ‘973’ 2012CB319301, NNSFC 61108064, 11304257, 61227009, 91321102 and 61307042
Waseem Ahmed Bhutto, Zhiming Wu,* Yiyan Cao, Weiping Wang, Jialun He, Qiang Luo, Shuping Li, Heng Li and Junyong Kang*, Beneficial effect of alloy disorder on the conversion efficiency of ZnO/ZnxCd1-xSe coaxial nanowire solar cells, J. Mater. Chem. A 3 (2015) 6360. ?973 ” Program (no. 2012CB619301 and 2011CB925600), the National Natural Science Foundations of China (no. 61106008 and 61227009)
Jinjian Zheng, Shuiqing Li, Chilun Chou, Wei Lin, Feilin Xun, Fei Guo, Tongchang Zheng, Shuping Li, Junyong Kang, Direct Observation of the Biaxial Stress Effect on Efficiency Droop in GaN-based Light-emitting Diode under Electrical Injection, Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 17227.
Hongmei Xu, Huachun Wang, Chen ping Wu, Na Lin, Abdul Majid Soomro, Huizhang Guo, Chuan Liu, Xiaodong Yang, Yaping Wu,* Duanjun Cai* and Junyong Kang, Direct synthesis of graphene 3D-coated Cu nanosilks network for antioxidant transparent conducting electrode, Nanoscale 7 (2015) 10613. the “973 ” programs (2012CB619301, 2012CB619304 and 2011CB925600), the NNSF (61204101), the NSFF (2013J01025), the FRFCU (20720150027), and the “863 ” program (2014AA032608) of China.
Wei Jiang, Yaping Wu, Wei Lin*, Shuping Li, and Junyong Kang*, Electro-optic Coefficient Enhancement of AlxGa1?xN via Multiple Field Modulations, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 17707?17712. Chinese National Key Project ?973? (2012CB619301 and 2011CB925600), the ?863? program (2014AA032608), the National Nature Science Foundation of China (U1405253, 11404271, 11304257, 61227009, and 11204254)
Xiaohong Chen, Hongmei Xu, Na Lin, Fuchun Xu, Hangyang Chen, Duanjun Cai, and Junyong Kang, Ideal square quantum wells achieved in AlGaN/GaN superlattices using ultrathin blocking-compensation pair, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106 (2015) 111604. ( the “973” programs (Nos. 2012CB619301 and 2012CB619304), the NNSF (No. 61204101), the FRFCU (No. 2012121011), and the “863” program (No. 2014AA032608) of China.)
Jun Yin, Yashu Zang, Chuang Yue, Xu He, Hongtao Yang, De-Yin Wu, Min Wu, Junyong Kang, Zhihao Wu* and Jing Li*, Multiple coupling in plasmonic metal/dielectric hollow nanocavity arrays for high sensitive detection, Nanoscale 7 (2015) 13495. This work was financially supported by the MOST of China (2009CB930704), National Natural Science Foundation of China (61106118), the 12th Five Years Key Programs (2012BAK08B01), and Science and Technology Program of Public Wellbeing of Xiamen City of China (3502Z20144079)
Yanlong Wang, Chunxiao Cong, Weihuang Yang, Jingzhi Shang, Namphung Peimyoo, Yu Chen, Junyong Kang, Jianpu Wang, Wei Huang*, and Ting Yu*, Strain-induced direct-indirect band gap transition and phonon modulation in monolayer WS2, Nano Research, 8(8) (2015) 2562-2572. (2015CB932200), NSFC (Grants No 21144004, No 20974046, No 21101095, No 21003076, No 20774043, No 51173081, No50428303, No 61136003, No 50428303)
Zhiming Wu, Weiping Wang, Yiyan Cao, Jialun He, Qiang Luo, Waseem Ahmed Bhutto, Shuping Li and Junyong Kang*, A beyond near-infrared response in a wide-bandgap ZnO/ZnSe coaxial nanowire solar cell by pseudomorphic layers, J. Mater. Chem. A 2 (2014) 14571. (the “973” Program Grant no. 2011CB925600 and 2012CB619301, the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant no. 61106008 and 61227009)
Chuang Yue, Yingjian Yu, Zhenguo Wu, Xu He, Jianyuan Wang, Jutao Li, Cheng Li, Suntao Wu, Jing Li, and Junyong Kang, Enhanced reversible lithium storage in germanium nano-island coated 3D hexagonal bottle-like Si nanorod arrays, Nanoscale, 6 (3) (2014) 1817-1822. (the MOST of China under the 973 programs 2009CB930704, National Natural Science Foundation of China 61106118)
Hua Zhou, Hui-Qiong Wang,* Yaping Li, Kongyi Li, Junyong Kang, Jin-Cheng Zheng, Zheng Jiang, Yuying Huang, Lijun Wu, Lihua Zhang, Kim Kisslinger, and Yimei Zhu, Evolution of Wurtzite ZnO Films on Cubic MgO (001) Substrates: A Structural, Optical, and Electronic Investigation of the Misfit Structures, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 6 (2014) 13823-13832. (Natural Science Foundation of China Grant Nos . 11204253, U1232110, U13 32105, 61227009, and 91321102)
Weihuang Yang, Jinchai Li*, Yong Zhang, Po-Kai Huang, Tien-Chang Lu, Hao-Chung Kuo, Shuping Li, Xu Yang, Hangyang Chen, Dayi Liu and Junyong Kang*, High density GaN/AlN quantum dots for deep UV LED with high quantum efficiency and temperature stability, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 4:5166 (2014) DOI: 10.1038/srep05166. (the Chinese National Key Project “973” 2012CB619301, 2011CB925600, “863” program 2014AA032308, and the National Nature Science Foundation of China 61106008, 91321102, 11204254)
Jun Yin, Yashu Zang, Binbin Xu, Shuping Li, Junyong Kang, Yanyan Fang, Zhihao Wu* and Jing Li*, Multipole plasmon resonances in self-assembled metal hollow nanosphere arrays, Nanoscale, 6 (8) (2014) 3934-3940. (the MOST of China under the 973 programs 2009CB930704, National Natural Science Foundation of China 61106118)
Yashu Zang, Jun Yin, Xu He, Chuang Yue, Zhiming Wu, Jing Li*, and Junyong Kang*, Plasmonic-enhanced self-cleaning activity on asymmetric Ag/ZnO surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates under UV and visible light irradiation, J. Mater. Chem. A 2 (2014) 7747-7753.(Cover paper) (the 973 programs 2011CB925600 and 2009CB930704, the National Natural Science Foundation of China 61227009, 91321102, 61106118 and 61106008)
Na Gao, Wei Lin, Xue Chen, Kai Huang*, Shuping Li, Jinchai Li, Hangyang Chen, Xu Yang, Li Ji, Edward T. Yu and Junyong Kang*, Quantum state engineering with ultra-short-period (AlN)m/(GaN)n superlattices for narrowband deep-ultraviolet detection, Nanoscale 6 (2014) 14733. (the National Research Program of China under grant no. 2012CB619300, 2011CB301905 and 2011CB925600, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant no. 61227009, 61108064, 91321102, 11204254 and 11404271)
Jun Yin, Yang Li, Shengchang Chen, Zhihao Wu*, Jing Li*, Junyong Kang, Peng Jin, Yonghai Chen, Jiangnan Dai, Yanyan Fang and Changqing Chen, Surface Plasmon enhanced hot exciton emission in deep UV emitting AlGaN multiple quantum wells, Adv. Optical Mater. 2014, DOI: 10.1002/adom. 201300463. (the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2012CB619300), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10990103, 51002058, 11104150, 60976042, 60906023, 61006046, 61377034)
Yingjian Yu, Chuang Yue, Shibo Sun, Wei Lin, Hang Su, Bin-Bin Xu, Juntao Li, Suntao Wu, Jing Li, Junyong Kang, The effects of different core-shell structures on the electrochemical performances of Si-Ge nanorod arrays as anodes for micro-lithium ion batteries, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 6 (2014) 5884-5890. (the MOST of China under the 973 programs 2009CB930704, National Natural Science Foundation of China 61106118)
Kai Huang, Na Gao, Chunzi Wang, Xue Chen, Jinchai Li, Shuping Li, Xu Yang, Junyong Kang, Top- and bottom-emission-enhanced electroluminescence of deep-UV light-emitting diodes induced by localised surface plasmons, Scientific Reports, 4:4380. (2014) DOI: 10.1038/srep04380. (the National Research Program of China under grant Nos. 2011CB301905 and 2012CB619301, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant Nos. 61108064, 61227009, 11304257 and 91321102)
Chunmiao Zhang , Yaping Wu,* Yinghui Zhou,* Na Gao, Fei Guo, Xiaoh ang Chen, Baofen g Jiang , Wei Hu and Junyong Kang*, Two-dimensional Au lattices featuring unique carrier transport preference and wide forbidden gap, Nanoscale 6 (2014) 10118. (the National “973” Program of China Grant nos 2011CB925600, and 2012CB619301), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant nos 61227009, 91321102, 11304257, and 11104229)
Yaping Wu, Yufeng Hao, Hu Young Jeong, Zonghoon Lee, Shanshan Chen, Wei Jiang, Qingzhi Wu, Richard D. Piner, Junyong Kang,* and Rodney S. Ruoff*, Crystal structure evolution of individual graphene islands during CVD growth on copper foil, Adv. Mater. 25 (2013) 6744-6751. (the National “973” Program of China Grant Nos. 2011CB925600, and 2012CB619301, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant Nos. 11304257, 61227009 and 61108064)
Yashu Zang, Jing Li,* Xu He, Jun Yin, Kongyi Li, Chuang Yue, Zhiming Wu, Suntao Wu and Junyong Kang*, The band edge emission enhancement by the quadrupole surface plasmon-exciton coupling using direct-contact Ag/ZnO nanospheres, Nanoscale, 5 (2012) 574-580.
Huizhang Guo, Na Lin, Yuanzhi Chen, Zhenwei Wang, Qingshui Xie, Tongchang Zheng, Na Gao, Shuping Li, Junyong Kang, Duanjun Cai, Dong-Liang Peng, Copper nanowires as fully transparent conductive electrodes, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 3: 2323, (2013) DOI: 10.1038/srep02323. (the National Basic Research Program of China (no. 2012CB933103), the National Outstanding Youth Science, the “973” programs 2012CB619301 and 2011CB925600 and “863” 2011AA03A111, the FRFCU 2012121011 and 2011121042, the National Natural Science Foundation 51171158, 61204101, 61227009, and 90921002)
Qinqin Zhuang, Wei Lin, Weihuang Yang, Wencao Yang, ChengCheng Huang, Jinchai Li, Hangyang Chen, Shuping Li, Junyong Kang*, Defect Suppression in AlN Epilayer Using Hierarchical Growth Units, J. Phys. Chem. C 117 (2013) 14158-14164. (the “973” program 2012CB619301 and 2011CB925600, the “863” program 2011AA03A111, National basic research program 61227009 and 90921002)
Chuang Yue, Yingjian Yu, Jun Yin, Tailun Wong, Yashu Zang, Jing Li, Junyong Kang, Fabrication of 3D hexagonal bottle-like Si-SnO2 core-shell nanorod arrays as anode material in on chip micro-lithium-ion-batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A 1(27) 7896-7904 (2013). (Featured article in back cover-letter). (the National Basic Research Program of China 2009CB930704, National Natural Science Foundation of China 61106118)
Xu He, Chuang Yue, Yashu Zang, Jun Yin, Shibo Sun, Jing Li and Junyong Kang, Multi-hot spot configuration on urchin-like Ag nanoparticle/ZnO hollow nanosphere arrays for highly sensitive SERS, J. Mater. Chem. A 1 (2013) 15010. (the MOST of China under the 973 programs 2009CB930704, National Natural Science Foundation of China 61106118)
Qingrui Zhuang, Zhilin Yang, and Junyong Kang*, Propagation and enhancement of ultraviolet radiation in metal–dielectric nanocables assisted by surface plasmon polaritons, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 (2013) 171601. (the National Research Program of China under Grant Nos. 2012CB619301 and 2011CB925600 and by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 61227009 and 90921002)
Kongyi Li, Weiying Wang, Zhanghai Chen, Na Gao, Weihuang Yang, Wei Li, Hangyang Chen, Shuping Li, Heng Li*, Peng Jin, and Junyong Kang*, Vacuum Rabi splitting of exciton-polariton emission in an AlN film, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 3: 3551, (2013) DOI: 10.1038/srep03551. (National Key Basic Research Program of China (973 Program No. 2012CB619300, 2011CB925600 and National Natural Science Foundation of China No. 61227009, No. 91321102)
Yaping Wu, Harry Chou, Hengxing Ji, Qingzhi Wu, Shanshan Chen, Wei Jiang, Yufeng Hao, Junyong Kang, Yujie Ren, Richard D. Piner, and Rodney S. Ruoff, Growth mechanism and controlled Synthesis of AB-stacked bilayer graphene on Cu-Ni alloy foils, ACS Nano, 6(9) (2012) 7731-7738.
Qiangcan Huang, Shuping Li, Duanjun Cai, and Junyong Kang, Kinetic behavior of nitrogen penetration into indium double layer improving the smoothness of InN film, J. Appl. Phys. 111 (2012) 113528.
Baofeng Jiang, Chunmiao Zhang, Changlian Jin, Huiqiong Wang, Xiaohang Chen, Huahan Zhan, Feng Huang, and Junyong Kang. Kinetic-dynamic properties of different monomers and two-dimensional homoepitaxy growth on the Zn-polar (0001) ZnO surface, Crystal Growth & Design, 12(6) (2012) 2850-2855.
Na Gao, Kai Huang*, Jinchai Li, Shuping Li, Xu Yang, Junyong Kang*, Surface-plasmon-enhanced deep-UV light emitting diodes based on AlGaN multi-quantum wells, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2: 816 (2012) DOI: 10.1038/srep00816.
Shanshan Chen1, 2, Qingzhi Wu2, Columbia Mishra2, Junyong Kang1, Hengji Zhang3, Kyeongjae Cho3,4, Weiwei Cai1, 2*, Alexander A. Balandin5* and Rodney S. Ruoff2*, Thermal Conductivity of Isotopically Modified Graphene, Nature Mater., 11(3) (2012) 203-207. (29.897)
Yaping Wu, Wei Jiang, Yujie Ren, Weiwei Cai, Wi Hyoung Lee, Huifeng Li, Richard D. Piner, Cody W. Pope, Yufeng Hao, Hengxing Ji, Junyong Kang,* and Rodney S.Ruoff*, Tuning the doping type and level of graphene with different gold configurations,Small 8(20) (2012) 3129-3136.