












1.The Science of Microelectronic Fabrication,3学分;

2.Energy Materials and Technology,2学分


李静,女,博士,教授,博士生导师,福建省新世纪优秀人才。1998年,厦门大学化学系获理学学士学位;2002年,新加坡国立大学化学系获理学硕士学位;2009年,厦门大学物理系获理学博士学位。 2001年6月加入厦门大学萨本栋微机电研究中心任教。2002年1月至2002年5月,香港科技大学电子与机电工程系,研究助理。2007年1月至2008年6月,美国亚利桑那州立大学物理系,访问学者。2014年7月年至2015年月,美国加州大学伯克利分校机械工程系,访问学者。



2、“ 973 重大科学计划研究项目”课题一:结构明确的高活性电催化剂纳米基元的合成(2015CB932301), 参加(研究骨干)。



  1. Chuang Yue, Yingjian Yu, Zhenguo Wu, Shibo Sun, Xu He, Juntao Li, Libo Zhao, Suntao Wu,Jing Li*, Junyong Kang, and Liwei Lin, High stability induced by the TiN/Ti interlayer in 3D Si/Ge nanorod arrays as anode in Micro Lithium Ion Battery,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8 (12), 7806–7810, 2016.

  2. Jun Yin, Hui Qu, Jing Cao,Jing Li,*and Nanfeng Zheng,*, Light absorption enhancement by embedding submicron scattering TiO2 nanoparticles in perovskite solar cells,RSC Advances, 6, 24596, 2016.

  3. Yingjian Yu, Chuang Yue, Xionggui Lin, Shibo Sun, Jinping Gu, Xu He, Chuanhui Zhang, Wei Lin, Donghai Lin, Xinli Liao, Binbin Xu, Suntao Wu, Mingsen Zheng,*Jing Li,*Junyong Kang, and Liwei Lin, ZIF-8 Cooperating in TiN/Ti/Si Nanorods as Efficient Anodes in Micro-Lithium-Ion-Batteries,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8, 3992-3999, 2016.

  4. Jing Cao, Shiguang Mo, Xiaojing Jing, Jun Yin, Jing Liand Nanfeng Zheng*, Trace surface-clean palladium nanosheets as a conductivity enhancer in hole-transporting layers to improve the overall performances of perovskite solar cells,Nanoscale, 8, 3274-3277, 2016.

  5. Wei Zhang, Jin Xu, Wei Ye, Yang Li, Zhiqiang Qi, Jiangnan Dai, Zhihao Wu, Changqing Chen*, Jun Yin,Jing Li, Hao Jiang and Yanyan Fang*, High-performance AlGaN metal–semiconductor–metal solar-blind ultraviolet photodetectors by localized surface plasmon enhancement,Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 021112, 2015.

  6. Jun Yin, Jing Cao, Xu He, Shibo Sun,Jing Li*, Nanfeng Zheng,* and Liwei Lin, Improved stability of perovskite solar cells in ambient air by controlling mesoporous layer,Journal of Materials ChemistryA, 3, 16860–16866, 2015.

  7. Jun Yin, Yashu Zang, Chuang Yue, Xu He, Hongtao Yang, De-Yin Wu, Min Wu, Junyong Kang, Zhihao Wu* andJing Li*, Multiple coupling in plasmonic metal/dielectric hollow nanocavity arrays for high sensitive detection,Nanoscale, 7, 13495-13502, 2015.

  8. Cao, Jing; Liu, Yu-Min; Jing, Xiaojing; Yin, Jun;Li, Jing; Xu, Bin; Tan, Yuan-Zhi; Zheng, Nanfeng, Well-Defined Thiolated Nanographene as Hole-Transporting Material for Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells,Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137, 10914-10917, 2015.

  9. Jing Cao, Jun Yin, Shangfu Yuan, Yun Zhao,Jing Li,and Nanfeng Zheng*, Thoils as interfacial modifiers to enhance the performance and stability of perovskite solar cells,Nanoscale, 7, 9443-9447,2015.

  10. Chuang Yue, Yingjian Yu, Shibo Sun, Xu He, Binbin Chen, Wei Lin, Binbin Xu, Mingsen Zheng, Suntao Wu,Jing Li*, Junyong Kang, and Liwei Lin, High performance 3D Si/Ge Nanorods Array anode buffered by TiN/Ti interlayer for sodium ion batteries,Advanced Functional Materials, 25, 1386–1392, 2015. (featured article in frontispiece)

  11. Yuan Zhong, Chuang Yue, Binbin Chen, Shibo Sun, Mingsen Zheng, Libo Zhao, Suntao Wu,Jing Li*, Junyong Kang, Liwei Lin, Synthetic preparation of novel 3D Si/TiO2-Ti2O3 composite nanorod arrays as anode in lithium ion batteries,RSC Advances, 5, 37399–37404, 2015.

  12. Shibo Sun, Chuang Yue, Jun Yin, Binbin Chen, Mingsen Zheng, Suntao Wu,Jing Li*, Junyong Kang and Liwei Lin. An air-stable sandwiched Li3PO4/Ge solid electrolyte for thin film lithium ion batteries,Science Letter, 4: 174, 2015.

  13. Yashu Zang, Jun Yin, Xu He, Chuang Yue, Zhiming Wu,Jing Li,*and Junyong Kang*, Plasmonic enhanced self-cleaning activity on asymmetric Ag/ZnO SERS substrates under ultraviolet and visible irradiation,J. Mater. Chem. A, 2 (21), 7747 – 7753, 2014. (featured article in front cover page)

  14. Yingjian Yu, Chuang Yue, Shibo Sun, Wei Lin, Hang Su, Binbin Xu, Juntao Li, Suntao Wu,Jing Li*,and Junyong Kang, The Effects of Different Core-Shell Structures on Electrochemical Performances of Si-Ge Nanorod Arrays as Anodes for Micro-Lithium Ion Batteries,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6(8), 5884-5890, 2014.

  15. Jun Yin , Yang Li , Shengchang Chen ,Jing Li, * Junyong Kang , Wei Li , Peng Jin , Yonghai Chen , Zhihao Wu , * Jiangnan Dai , Yanyan Fang , and Changqing Chen, Surface Plasmon enhanced hot exciton emission in deep UV emitting AlGaN multiple quantum wells,Advanced Optical Material, 2(5), 451–458, 2014. (featured article in frontispiece)

  16. Jun Yin, Yashu Zang, Binbin Xu, Shuping Li, Junyong Kang, Yanyan Fang, Zhihao Wu* andJing Li*, Multipole plasmon resonances in self-assembled metal hollow nanosphere arrays,Nanoscale, 6(8), 3934-3940, 2014.

  17. Chuang Yue, Yingjian Yu, ZhenGuo Wu, Xu He, JianYuan Wang, JunTao Li, Cheng Li, Suntao Wu,Jing Li*, and Junyong Kang, Enhanced reversible Lithium storage in Germanium nano-island coated 3D hexagonal bottle-like Si nanorod arrays ,Nanoscale, 6 (3), 1817 – 1822, 2014.

  18. Chuang Yue,Jing Li*and Junyong Kang, Fabrication of the hexagonal Si Nanorod arrays using the template of Polystyrene nanosphere in monolayer dispersion,Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems, 228(1),40-45, 2014.

  19. Xu He, Chuang Yue, Yashu Zang, Jun Yin, Shibo Sun,Jing Li*and Junyong Kang, Multi hot spots configuration on urchin-like Ag nanoparticle/ZnO hollow nanosphere arrays for high sensitive SERS,J. Mater. Chem. A, 1(47), 15010-15015, 2013.

  20. Jing Li*, Chuang Yue, Yingjian Yu, Ying-San Chui, Jun Yin, Zhenguo Wu, Chundong Wang, Yashu Zang, Wei Lin, Juntao Li, Suntao Wu and Qihui Wu, Si/Ge core-shell nanoarrays as the anode material for 3D lithium ion batteries,J. Mater. Chem. A, 1(45), 14344-14349, 2013.

  21. Jun Yin, Yashu Zang, Chuang Yue, Xu He,Jing Li,*Zhihao Wu* and Yanyan Fang, Self-assembled hollow nanosphere arrays used as low Q whispering gallery mode resonators on thin film solar cells for light trapping,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.15, 16874-16882, 2013.

  22. Chuang Yue, Yingjian Yu, Jun Yin, Tailun Wong, Yashu Zang,Jing Li*, and Junyong Kang, Fabrication of 3D hexagonal bottle-like Si/SnO2 core/shell nanorod arrays as anode material in on chip micro-Lithium-ion-batteries,J. Mater. Chem. A, 1 (27), 7896 – 7904, 2013. (featured article in back cover-letter).

  23. Jun Yin, Chuang Yue, Yashu Zang, Ching-Hsueh Chiu, Jinchai Li, Hao-Chung Kuo, Zhihao Wu*,Jing Li*,Yanyan Fang and Changqing Chen, Effect of the Surface-Plasmon- Exciton coupling and charge transfer process on the photoluminescence of metal-semiconductor nanostructures,Nanoscale,5 (10), 4436 – 4442, 2013.

  24. Yashu Zang, Xu He,Jing Li*, Jun Yin, Kongyi Li, Chuang Yue, Zhiming Wu, Suntao Wu and Junyong Kang*, The band edge emission enhancement by quadrupole surface plasmon-exciton coupling using direct-contact Ag/ZnO nanospheres,Nanoscale, 5(2), 574-580, 2013.

  25. Jun Yin, Yashu Zang, Chuang Yue, Zhiming Wu, Suntao Wu,Jing Li*, and Zhihao wu*, Ag nanoparticle/ZnO hollow nanosphere arrays: large scale synthesis and surface plasmon resonance effect induced Raman scattering enhancement,J. Mater. Chem., 22(16), 7902–7909,2012.

  26. Yiyan Cao, Zhiming Wu*, Jianchao Ni, Waseem A. Bhutto,Jing Li, Shuping Li, Kai Huang, and Junyong Kang, Type-II Core/Shell Nanowire Heterostructures and Their Photovoltaic Applications,Nano-Micro Letters, 4(3), 135-141, 2012.

  27. Jianchao Ni, Zhiming Wu*, Xiangan Lin, Jinjian Zheng; Shuping Li,Jing Li, Junyong Kang*, Band Engineering of Type-II ZnO/ZnSe Heterostructures for Solar Cell Applications,J. Mater. Research,27(4), 730-733, 2012.



    [1]李静, 岳闯, 吴孙桃. 一种硅基三维微电池纳米电极结构,申请日期:2013年3月27号,中国专利号:ZL201310101495.2,授权公告日期:2016年3月9日;

    [2]李静,尹君, 岳闯, 臧雅姝, 何绪. 一种ZnO球形空壳结构纳米颗粒阵列的制备方法,申请日期:2013年1月14号, 中国专利号:ZL201310012724.3,授权公告日期:2016年3月2日;

    [3] 钟灿,林凡,李静,吴孙桃,罗忠梓. 集成电路反剥离光刻方法,中国, ZL 200510 048367.1 [P], 授权公告时间:2008.11.26.


    [1]李静,瞿慧,尹君,一种制备高质量钙钛矿晶体薄膜的方法,申请日期:2016年6月16日, 中国专利申请号:201610431212.4;

    [2]李静,班榕柽,尹君,张志刚,吴敏,一种类金属与金属复合空心腔阵列结构,申请日期:2016年5月6日, 中国专利申请号:201610297310.3;

    [3]李静, 岳闯, 于英健,一种引入TiN/Ti作为中间层的纳米复合电极结构,申请日期:2016年2月2日, 中国专利申请号:201610069664.2;

    [4]李静,于英健, 岳闯,一种ZIF-8/硅复合纳米柱阵列电极及其制备方法, 申请日期:2016年1月14日, 中国专利申请号:201610020438.5;