









三维半导体(GaN/ZnO 纳米柱阵列)材料合成及其新器件之研究;


  1. 三维半导体(GaN/ZnO纳米柱阵列)材料合成及其新器件之研究

  2. 超细金属纳米线材料(Cu纳米线网络、合金纳米线)及透明电极应用之研究

  3. 二维半导体薄层材料(BN)合成及其光电子器件之研发

  4. 深紫外(DUV)氮化物半导体LED结构器件及应用之研发

  5. 先进纳米微观表征技术之研发

  6. 生物蛋白质分子荧光材料之研究

  7. 微观结构材料第一性原理模拟计算


  1. 《LED与光伏系统》 固体与微电子学专业研究生 选修课程

  2. 《半导体中的缺陷》固体与微电子学专业研究生 选修课程

  3. 《半导体科学与技术讲座》物理学各专业 选修课程

  4. 《国剧赏析》 全校性通识课程


2016- 兼任美国杜克大学化学系,高级访问学者。

2015- 厦门大学物理与机电工程学院、半导体光电子材料与高效转换器件协同创新中心,教授。

2013- 兼任台湾大学电机系、光电资讯工程研究所,客座副教授。

2011-2012 厦门大学物理与机电工程学院、半导体光子学研究中心,副教 授。

2009-2010 法国里昂第一大学,凝聚态及纳米材料研究中心,博士后研究 员。

2008-2009 葡萄牙国立科英布拉大学物理学系,计算物理研究中心,博士后 研究员。

2007-2008 台湾大学物理学系,博士后研究员。

2006 厦门大学物理学系凝聚态专业,理学博士。

曾承担台湾国科会“奈米尺度半导体材料及组件之物性”重大研究计划之子课题,葡萄牙-法国联合国家科技基金“Study of Bioluminescence Processes”课题项目等。现为美国物理学会、美国生物物理学会会员。任Appl. Phys. Lett., J. Phys. Chem., J. Appl. Phys., Opti. Comm. 等杂志专家审稿人。曾为厦门市京剧爱好者协会、台湾大学国剧社、台北市琴锣国剧团、台北市响宴国剧社、醉霜国剧研究会会员。担任程派门户网站“秋风起”-程腔原韵版版主。


1996-2000 B. Sc. in Physics, Department of Physics, Xiamen University, China

2000-2006 Ph. D. in Condensed Matter Physics, Department of Physics, School of Physics and Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Xiamen University, China

Thesis: Strain related effects of GaN based semiconductor heterostructures

Supervisor: ProfessorJunyong Kang

2006-2008 Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

2008-2010 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Physics, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal & Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée et Nanostructures, UniversitéLyon I, Villeurbanne Cedex, France.

2011-2015 Associate Professor, School of Physics and Mechanical &Electrical Engineering, Xiamen University, China

2013- Adjunct Associate Professor, Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

2015- Professor, School of Physics and Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Xiamen University, China

2016-Visiting scholar, Chemistry Departement, Duke University, U.S.A.


  1. 深紫外LED外延生长及应用技术研究(2011~2013)国家高技术研究发展计划“863计划” ¥ 80万

  2. ZnO/ZnSe纳米同轴异质结能带调控及近全光谱太阳能电池(2011~2013)中央高校基础创新科研基金 ¥ 50万

  3. 氮化物纳米线的正交量子阱限制效应研究(2012~2014)中央高校青年科研基金 ¥ 90万

  4. AlGaN基量子阱的界面陡峭技术及其增强量子限制效应(2013~2015)国家自然科学基金 ¥ 30万

  5. 核壳结构合金Cu纳米线合成及AlGaN基深紫外LED透明欧姆电极研究(2016~2019)国家自然科学基金 ¥ 80万


  1. T. C. Zheng, W. Lin, R. Liu,D. J. Cai, J. C. Li, S. P. Li and J. Y. Kang*,“Improved p-type conductivity in Al-rich AlGaN using multidimensional Mg-doped superlattices”,Scientific Reports(2016, in press).

  2. H. C. Wang, H. M. Xu, C. P. Wu, A. M. Soomro, H. Z. Guo, T. B. Wei, S. P. Li, J. Y. Kang, andD. J. Cai*,“Family ofCu@metalnanowires network for transparent electrodes on n-AlGaN”,Physica Status Solidi B(2016, in press).

  3. C. P. Wu, A. M. Soomro, F. P. Sun, H. C. Wang, C. Liu, X. D. Yang, J. Y. Kang, andD. J. Cai*, “Seven-inch large-size synthesis of monolayer hexagonal BN film by low pressure CVD”,Physica Status Solidi B(2016, in press).

  4. H. M. Xu, H. C. Wang, C. P. Wu, N. Lin, A. M. Soomro, H. Z. Guo, C. Liu, X. D. Yang, Y. P. Wu,D. J. Cai*, and J. Y. Kang, "Direct synthesis of graphene 3D-coated Cu nanosilks network for antioxidant transparent conducting electrode",Nanoscale7, 10613–10621 (2015).

  5. X. H. Chen, H. M. Xu, N. Lin, F. C. Xu , H. Y. Chen,D. J. Cai*and J. Y. Kang, "Ideal square quantum wells achieved in AlGaN/GaN superlattices using ultrathin blocking-compensation pair",Applied Physics Letters 106,111604 (2015).

  6. D. J. Cai*, N. Lin, H. M. Xu, C. H. Liao and C. C. Yang,“Extraordinary N atom tunneling in formation of InN shell layer on GaN nanorod m-plane sidewall",Nanotechnology25, 495705 (2014).

  7. X. L. Zhuo, J. C. Ni, J. C. Li, W. Lin,D. J. Cai, S. P. Li, and J. Y. Kang,“Band engineering of GaN/AlN quantum wells by Si dopants”,Journal of Applied Physics115, 124305 (2014).

  8. T. C. Zheng, W. Lin,D. J. Cai, W. H. Yang, W. Jiang, H. Y. Chen, J. H. Li, S. P. Li and J. Y. Kang, "High Mg effective incorporation in Al-rich AlxGa1−xN by periodic repetition of ultimate V/III ratio conditions",Nanoscale Research Letters9, 40 (2014).

  9. J. Zhou, Q. C. Huang, J. C. Li,D. J. Cai*, and J. Y. Kang,“The InN epitaxy via controlling In bilayer”,Nanoscale Research Letters9, 5 (2014).

  10. N. Lin, J. J. Wu, H. M. Xu, N. L. Liu, T. C. Zheng, W. Lin, C. Liu andD. J. Cai*,“In situ self-release of thick GaN wafer from sapphire substrate via graded strain field engineering”,Applied Physics Letters104, 012110 (2014).

  11. H. Z. Guo, N. Lin, Y. Z. Chen, Z. W. Wang, Q. S. Xie, T. C. Zheng, N. Gao, S. P. Li, J. Y. Kang,D. J. Cai*and D. L. Peng,“Copper Nanowires as Fully Transparent Conductive Electrodes”,Scientific Reports3, 2323(2013).

  12. D. J. Cai*, M. A. L. Marques, and F. Nogueira, “Full Color Modulation of Firefly Luciferase through Engineering with Unified Stark Effect”.Journal of Physical ChemistryB 117 , 13725-13730(2013).

  13. D. J. Cai­*, X. H. Chen­, H. M. Xu­, N. Lin­, F. C. Xu­, and H. Y. Chen,“Abruptness Improvement of the Interfaces of AlGaN/GaN Superlattices by Cancelling Asymmetric Diffusion”,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics52, 08JB30 (2013).

  14. W. Lin, W. Jiang, N. Gao,D. J. Cai*, S. P. Li, and J. Y. Kang,“Optical isotropization of anisotropic wurtzite Al-rich AlGaN via asymmetric modulation with ultrathin (GaN)m/(AlN)n superlattices”,Laser & Photonics Reviews7, 572 (2013).

  15. X. H. Chen, N. Lin,D. J. Cai*, Y. Zhang, H. Y. Chen, and J. Y. Kang,“Symmetrically abrupt GaN/AlGaN superlattices by alternative interface–interruption scheme”,Journal of Materials Research28, 716 (2013).

  16. Q. C. Huang, S. P. Li,D. J. Cai*, and J. Y. Kang,“Kinetic behavior of nitrogen penetration into indium double layer improving the smoothness of InN film”,Journal of Applied Physics111, 113528 (2012).

  17. D. J. Cai, M. A. L. Marques and F. Nogueira,“pH sensitivity of color shift of firefly chromophore due to electrostatic field from neighboring water-ions”,Luminescence27, 103 (2012).

  18. B. B. Zhang, W. Lin, S. P. Li, Y. Zheng, Xu. Yang,D. J. Cai*, and J. Y. Kang,“Ohmic contact to n-AlGaN through bonding state transition at TiAl interface”,Journal of Applied Physics111, 113710 (2012).

  19. D. J. Cai, M. A. L. Marques and F. Nogueira,“Accurate color tuning of firefly chromophore by modulation of local polarization electrostatic fields”,Journal of Physical ChemistryB 115, 329 (2011).

  20. D. J. Cai, M. A. L. Marques, B. F. Milne and F. Nogueira,“Bioheterojunction Effect on Fluorescence Origin and Efficiency Improvement of Firefly Chromophores”,Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 1, 2781 (2010).