











  1. II族氮化物半导体材料设计与生长

  2. III族氮化物半导体器件制备


1998年9月~2002年7月 厦门大学物理系物理与电子信息类攻读学士学位

2002年9月~2008年12月 厦门大学物理系凝聚态物理攻读博士学位

2009年8月~2010年12月 台湾交通大学光电工程系博士后研究

2011年2月至今 厦门大学物理系高级工程师


  1. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,高Al组分AlGaN应变量子结构制备与特性研究,2013-2015

  2. 中央高校“山海基金”项目,AlGaN 深紫外发光材料中的关键科学问题研究,2016-2018



  1. J. C. Li *, G. L. Ji, W. H. Yang, P. Jin, H. Y. Chen, W. Lin, S. P. Li, and J . Y. Kang,. “Emission Mechanism of High Al-content AlGaN Multiple Quantum Wells”.Chinese Journal of Luminescence. 37: 513, 2016

  2. W. H. Yang,J. C. Li*; Y. Zhang, P. K. Huang, T. C. Lu, H. C. Kuo, S. P. Li, X. Yang, H. Y. Chen, D. Y. Liu, J . Y. Kang, “High density GaN/AlN quantum dots for deep UV LED with high quantum efficiency and temperature stability”,Scientific reports, 4, 5166, 2014.

  3. K. Huang, N. Gao, C. Z. Wang, X. Chen,J. C. Li*, S. P. Li, X. Yang, J. Y. Kang, “Top- and bottom-emission-enhanced electroluminescence of deep-UV light-emitting diodes induced by localised surface plasmons”,Scientific reports,4, 4380, 2014.

  4. W. H. Yang,J. C. Li*, W. Lin, S. P. Li, H. Y. Chen, D. Y. Liu, Xu. Yang, and J. Y. Kang. “Control of two-dimensional growth of AlN and high Al-content AlGaN-based MQWs for deep-UV LEDs”,AIP Advances., 3, 052013, 2013.

  5. C. H. Wang, S. P. Chang, P. H. Ku,J. C. Li*, Y. P. Lan, C. C. Lin, H. C. Yang, H. C. Kuo, T. C. Lu, S. C. Wang, and C. Y. Chang, “Hole transport improvement in InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes by graded-composition multiple quantum barriers”,Applied Physics Letters, 97,171106,2011.

  6. C. H. Wang, S. P. Chang, H. W. Wang,J. C. Li*, W. T. Chang, Y. S. Lu, Z. Y. Li, H. C. Kuo, T. C. Lu, and S. C. Wang, “Efficiency droop alleviation in InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes by graded-thickness multiple quantum wells”,Applied Physics Letters, 97, 181101, November, 2010.

  7. C. H. Wang, C. C. Ke, C. Y. Lee, S. P. Chang, W. T. Chang,J. C. Li*, Z. Y. Li, H. C. Yang, H. C. Kuo, T. C. Lu, and S. C. Wang, “Hole injection and efficiency droop improvement in InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes by band-engineered electron blocking layer”,Applied Physics Letters, 97, 261103, December, 2010.

  8. S. P. Chang, C. H. Wang,J. C. Li*, Y. S. Lu, Z. Y. Li, H. C. Yang, H. C. Kuo, T. C. Lu, and S. C. Wang, “Characteristics of efficiency droop in GaN-based light emitting diodes with an insertion layer between the multiple quantum wells and n-GaN layer”,Applied Physics Letters, 97, 251114, December, 2010.

  9. J. C. Li,T. C. Lu, H. M. Huang, W. W. Chan, H. C. Kuo, and S. C. Wang, “Characteristics of emission polarization in a-plane nanorods embedded with InGaN/GaN MQWs”,Journal of Applied Physics, 108, 063508, September, 2010.

  10. J. C. Li, W. H. Yang, S. P. Li, H. Y. Chen, D. Y. Liu, and J. Y. Kang, “Enhancement of p-type conductivity by modifying the internal electric field in Mg- and Si-d-codoped AlxGa1-xN/AlyGa1-yN superlattices”,Applied Physics Letters, 95, 151113-1-151113-3, October, 2009.

  11. J. C. Li, W. Lin, W. H. Yang, W. Z. Cai, Q. F. Pan, X. J. Lin, S. P. Li, H. Y. Chen, D. Y. Liu, J. F. Cai, X. Yu, and J. Y. Kang, “Design and epitaxy of structural III-nitrides”,Journal of Crystal Growth, 311(3), 478-481, January, 2009.

  12. J. C. Li, S. P. Li, and J. Y. Kang, “Quantized level transitions and modification in InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells”,Applied Physics Letters, 92 (10), 101929-1-101929-3, March, 2008.

  13. J. C. Li, and J. Y. Kang, “Band engineering in Al0.5Ga0.5N/GaN superlattice by modulating Mg dopant”,Applied Physics Letters, 91 (15), 152106-1-152106-3, October, 2007.

  14. J. C. Li,and J. Y. Kang, “Polarization effect on p-type doping efficiency in Mg-Si codoped wurtzite GaN from the first-principles calculations”,Physical Review B, 71 (3), 035216-1-035216-4, January, 2005.


1. 选择超晶格位置掺杂的p型III族氮化物材料的制备方法.

